At 20 years old he was not as agile as he is now. 20岁时他并不如现在这般矫健。
He's a bottomless pit as far as food is concerned. 他吃起东西来肚子像个无底洞。
As is the custom, police forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris. 像往常一样,警方的法医专家对残骸进行了仔细的查看。
Your role as editor is important, for you can look at a piece of writing objectively. 你的编辑角色很重要,因为你能够客观地审视作品。
Perhaps as it is so close to noon, you would do me the honour of having lunch with me. 马上就到中午了,也许你能赏脸和我一起吃午饭。
She has gained a reputation for creating books as perfect as is humanly possible 她因在著书上追求极致之美而享有盛名。
This gold is every bit as important to me as it is to you 这块金牌对你很重要,对我也一样重要。
I shall try, with as much patience as is possible, to explain yet again 我会尽可能耐心地试着再解释一遍。
Schizophrenia is not a 'split mind' as is popularly believed 精神分裂症并非人们普遍认为的那样是“分裂的精神”。
Their attraction to each other as friends is reciprocated 作为朋友,他们相互吸引着对方。
We can't promise to publish a reply as space is limited. 由于版面有限,我们不能保证把回复登载出来。
What struck me as interesting is how much we judge other people by the clothes they wear 让我觉得很有意思的是我们经常以衣取人。
I am already as tall as she is 我已经和她一样高了。
If you ever get any ailments there's no problem as he is like a walking chemist's shop. 如果你有了什么病痛,不用着急,他就是个药铺子。
As is the way with these gatherings, the declarations were largely drafted before the delegations arrived. 就像通常的这种集会一样,宣言内容在代表团到达之前就差不多拟好了。
Old as he is, he works just as hard as he did in his younger days. 他人虽老了,干劲却不减当年。
Don't say anything more; she's feeling bad enough as it is. 你别说了,她心里正不好受呢!
I'm not as good as he is.; I can't compare with him. 我不如他。
The situation is good on the industrial front, as it is on the other fronts. 工业战线形势大好,其他各条战线也是如此。
As far as marksmanship is concerned, I don't place in my company. 论射击技术,在我们连里可数不着我。
Good as it is to inherit a library, it is better to collect one. 继承藏书虽好,收集藏书更有意义。
Our food, such as it is, is plentiful. 我们吃的,虽不很好,却很丰富。
As is well known, china has always advocated peaceful settlement of international disputes. 众所周知,中国一贯主张和平解决国际争端。
As is stated above, this principle applies to all cases. 如前文所述,这一原则适合所有案例。
We bought the clock at an auction as is. 那只钟我们从拍卖行买来时就是这个样子。
As is his style, Marchionne is expected to directly involve himself in the talks. 依其行事风格来看,预计马尔基翁将亲自参与谈判。
We retained outside counsel, as is our normal practice for any transaction, to ensure that we were compliant with all applicable rules. 我们一直聘请外部法律顾问,这是我们任何一宗交易的常规做法,目的是确保我们贯彻了一切适用的法律法规。
The IA ventures way, as is the way of all the VCs I choose to work with, is to be partners with management, hands-on and in the trenches. IAVentures的做法跟我参与管理的所有风险资本公司的做法并无二致,那就是要与被投资公司管理层建立合作伙伴关系,深入一线,了解并参与被投资公司的决策。
Before Bernanke joined the Fed he wrote extensively on what the Fed should do to revive the economy when, as is the case now, short-term interest rates are at near zero. 伯南克在加盟美联储之前曾写了大量文章,建议美联储在短期利率(就像现在这样)接近于零的时候应当如何复苏经济。
As is the case in basketball, winning takes teamwork, passion, and focus. 在篮球场上,团队合作、激情四射和专心致志是赢得胜利的不二法宝。